Unani Medicine

Friday, March 27, 2020

කොරෝනා වලින් වැලකීමට සෞඛ්‍ය ආරක්ශිත ආහාර

කොරෝනා වලින් වැලකීමට සෞඛ්‍ය ආරක්ශිත ආහාර විහරණ.

කොරෝනා වැනි වසංගත පමණක් නොව මොනයම් ආකාරයේ රොග තත්වයක්දී පවා තමාගේ මානසික සුවතාවය ඉතා වැදගත්‍ වේ.

ආගමික වතාවත් වල යෙදීම හා භාවනා කිරිම මගින් මානසික සුවය වර්දනය වන්වා මෙන්ම පෙනහලු පිරිසිදු වීම ද සිදු වෙනවා.

පලමුව ආසාදනය වීම වලක්වා ගත යුතුයි. මන්ද රෝගය සෑදීමෙන් පසු එය සුව කර ගැනීමට වෙහෙසෙනවාට වඩා රෝගය සෑදිම වලක්වා ගැනීම තමයි වැදගත්. එසේ ආසදනය වීම වලක්වා ගැනීමට,

නිතර සබන් යොදා අත් පිරිසිදු කර ගැනීම.

පොදු ස්ථාන වල සෙනග ගැවසෙන ස්ථාන වල සිටීම සීමා කිරීම එවන් අවස්ථා වලදී මුඛ ආවරණ පැලදීම

අපිරිසිදු අත් වලින් මුඛය හා නාසය ඇල්ලීමෙන් වැලකීම.
ප්රතිශක්තය වැඩිකරන ආහාර ගැනීම

ආහාර පාන උණුවෙන් ගැනීම

නිරාහාරව සිටීමෙන් වැලකීම.

මස් හා බිත්තර ආදිය සැකසීමේදී හොදින් පිස ගැනීම.
ප්‍රමාණවත් නින්දක් ලබා ගැනීම. ( රාත්
‍රියට පැය 6ක් 8ක්. )

මෙවනි රෝග පැතිර යන අවස්ථාවක් අප වැඩිපුරම දියරමය ආහාර ලබා ගත යුතුයි .

දෙහි යුෂ
ඉගුරු යුෂ
මදුරුතලා යුෂ .
කොත්තමල්ලි ඉගුරු තැම්බූ වතුර ගුණදායකයි .

මෙම ආහාර වලින් වලකින්න.

ශීතකල කිරි
මුදවපු කිරි
අයිස් කීම්
ශීතකල බීම
දුම් බීම
උශ්න අධික කෑම
උණු වතුරෙන් කට සෝදන්න
මදුරුතලා වෙනිවැල් ගැට තම්බපු වතුරින් කට හා උගුර සෝදන්න.

වාශ්ප නාසයට අල්ලන්න. මේ සදහා සදුන් , දේවදාර , මදුරුතලා ගත හැක.

ධාන්‍ය වර්ග වඩිපුර ආහරය ට ගන්න
ප්‍රතිශක්තිය වඩි වෙන්න හොදින් විවේක ගන්න.
ඔබ විසින්ම නිරෝදායන වෙන්න.

දේශීය ඔශධීය කැද ( යකිනාරං , එලබටු වැල් තිබ්බටු , ගොටුකොල , හීන් බෝවිටියා ) උදෑසන ට බොන්න ) .
පලතුරු වර්ග ලෙස දෙලුම් , නෙල්ලි , වෙරලු , උගුරැස්ස , අනෝදා )

පලා වර්ග ( නිවිති , කතුරුමුරුංගා , සාරණ , ගොටුකොළ , තම්පලා , මුරුංගා කොල )

දේශිය පාන ( තැඹිලි , පොල් වතුර , බෙලිමල්, පලතුරු යුශ , රණවරා , ඉරමුසු )

මෙහිදී දූමායනය ත් ඉතා වැදගත්. ඒ සදහා
කොහොඹ කොල
දේවදාර ආදිය සිහින්ව කුඩු කර දුම් ඇල්ලීම ප්‍රතිඵල දායක වේ.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Basic Principles & Fundamentals of Unani

Basic Principles & Fundamentals of Unani

Unani medicine is based on the Greek philosophy of Humors put forward by Hippo￾crates .
The Immoral theory presupposes the presence of four humors - Dam (blood),
Balgham (phlegm), Safra (yellow bile) and Sauda (black bile) in the body.
According to basic principles of Unani the body is made up of four basic elements i.e.,
earth, air, water and re, which have di erent temperaments (cold, hot, wet, dry). After
mixing and interaction of four elements, a new compound having new temperament
comes into existence i.e., hot wet, hot dry, cold wet, cold dry. The simple and com￾pound organs in the body get their nourishment through the four humors. The
humors themselves are assigned temperaments,blood is hot and wet, phlegm is cold
and wet, yellow bile is hot and dry last but not the least black bile is cold and dry
Each person has a unique humoral constitution. Every persons has a unique propor￾tion of these four humors. This unique proportion determines the health status of that
person. When this unique proportion becomes disbalanced disease sets in. To main￾tain the correct humoral balance there is a power of self-preservation. The physician
merely aims to help and promote the action of this power. The medicine used in this
system, help the body to regain the power of self - preservation to an optimum level
and thus restore humoral balance. Unani System of Medicine believes in promotion of
health, prevention and management of the disease . Unani system is e ective in
chronic diseases like Arthritis, Digestive disorders, Leucoderma, Psoriasis and Skin
problems, which are resistant to treatment with allopathic medicine. Unani Medicine

not only cure the disease but can also improves the general health of the person.

History & Development of Unani Medicine

History & Development of Unani Medicine

Unani is one of the oldest medicinal systems in the world. It is still popular and prac￾ticed in di erent parts of the world (mainly in Indian sub-continent). Contributions for
the development of this system of medicine have been made by experts from di er￾ent parts of the world during di erent periods. The development of Unani medicine

can be divided into following Era's

Greek Era

The Unani system of medicine owes its origin to Greece. Its founder was the great
Philosopher and Physician, Hippocrates (460-377 BC). He was the rst Unani Physician
who freed medicine from the concept of superstition and gave it the status of science.
He opened education of medicine to all communities. Before Hippocrates it was
restricted to the Aesclabius family only. After Hippocrates, Galen (130 – 201 BC)
contributed a lot to the Unani Medicine. Dioscorides was the famous physician in the
1st century and he was the author of 'Ilm-ul-adviya' (Pharmacology) .
Unani is one of the oldest medicinal systems in the world. It is still popular and prac￾ticed in di erent parts of the world (mainly in Indian sub-continent). Contributions for
the development of this system of medicine have been made by experts from di er￾ent parts of the world during di erent periods. The development of Unani medicine
can be divided into following Era's .
Pharmacy was very much developed during the Egyptian period. They prepared the
medicine in di erent dosages and in various forms like fermented decoction, oils,
powder, ointment etc. c
Persian physicians learnt this art from Iranian physicians and philosophers. They
further developed this medicine into a complete science and it was very much accept￾ed by the masses. Eminent physicians of this period are:- -
Tabari (810-895 AD)- famous physician (who introduced the concept of registered
documented formulary. He is an author of 'Firdous ul Hikmat. .
Abu Bakar Zakariya Razi or Rhazes (865-925 AD)- rst-scholar to describe the concept
of Acquired Immunity. He is the author of "Al-Hawi- t -Tibb". The other eminent schol￾ars of the period were Al Khawarizmi and Al Beyruni.

The Unani System With Deep Roots


The basic necessities of primary man were food and shelter. He depended on nature for this. As time
ew, his needs grew and things did not remain the same any more. These changes led to the birth of
civilizations, culture, tradition and scienti c thoughts. The progress in science led to inventions and
discoveries in every eld. Today there is not a single area in man's life where science has not left its mark.
Medical science has also travelled a lot from the old ages. Even now the researchers are engrossed in
their task to study the complex nature of living organisms and their behaviour. Man's unnecessary
intervention in the nature's balanced system, changed climatic conditions and his mechanized life style
has resulted in new diseases and strains. Though medicines are invented for prevention and curing of
such diseases, the reaction due to these drugs are sometimes fatal than the disease itself. In this rush to
nd the remedy for these diseases, man doesn't seem to care about these after e ects.
Also with the medicine and medicinal equipments coming under the monopoly of multinational
companies, the rate of treatment has increased by many folds. .
It is in this scenario the signi cance of natural herbal medicine arises. The drugs drawn from nature do
no harm to the patient and helps in his complete recovery. This system of medicine is nding wide
acceptance among the masses in west also.